How do I use InterLibrary Loan as a Research Assistant?


All faculty members are responsible for loans borrowed on their faculty research assistant cards.

ConnectNYHave your student order and charge out books on your 

ILLiad: The faculty member can create a joint account as follows:

Choose First Time Users from the front page of ILLiad to open a new account.  Enter "faculty assistant" in the First Name box. In the Last Name box enter your last name/the student assistant's last name, ie: Fergusson/Johnson. You MUST use your faculty 999 number as the Vassar ID number (but this number will not become available to the research assistant). Decide whether you or student will be the email contact, and fill in the rest of the form appropriately. Share the username and password with your student.

Please validate your faculty research assistant card at the Circulation Desk prior to making requests through ConnectNY or ILLiad. Orders cannot be processed until the card has been validated.

  • Last Updated Aug 14, 2018
  • Views 71
  • Answered By Julia Yu

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