How do I borrow materials that were put on reserve for my class?


Reserve Materials: Search the online catalog by instructor, course name, or course number. Check out readings, recordings, and other items at the Main Circulation Desk. If you need further assistance please go to the Main Circulation Desk and we will help you locate the items you are looking for. 

Copies of articles, books, videos/DVDs put on course reserve by faculty can be found at the Main Circulation Desk. Electronic reserves are linked from the catalog. Check the online catalog to see what is on reserve for your classes.

Copies of books on reserve for most Art Courses are placed in open reserve in the Alcoves of the Art Library on the same floor as the Art Circulation Desk. Use the chart posted in the art library to find the room that corresponds to the class for which the book is on reserve.

Be sure you know the due date and time for the times to check out. Fines will be levied for overdue materials on an hourly basis.  

  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2018
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Julia Yu

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