How do I check out computer equipment?

Laptops, ethernet cables, power cords, headsets, remotes.


  • Go to the Circulation Desk to check out/page the following:
  1. Chromebooks
  2. Ethernet cables
  3. Power cords
  4. Headsets (paged)
  5. Remotes for the video players in the DMZ (paged)
  • You must sign a Laptop Loan Agreement form before checking out a computer.
  • Computer equipment must be used in the library and is due 1/2 hour before the library closes. 

Be sure you know the due date and time for the computer equipment.   Fines will be levied for overdue computer equipment. 


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2018
  • Views 89
  • Answered By Arianna Schlegel

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